Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Where can you buy Louis Vuitton Bags ?

It depends on where you buy your Louis Vuitton bag. Sometimes you can go to a department store and go to there boutique but you can go to the actual store. But where ever you go the prices are the same and they treat you the same way everywhere. But when you go to the department store they ahve a limted selection of bags , cloths, jewlery. But when you go the store they have everything and sometimes have a limted stock. But if you want a certain bag you better go to the louis vuitton store because they have what you want. But when you go to the louis vuitton they will have people in different aeras. If you want bags they have that if you want luggage they have a person for that. Also the will ask you have you bought anything from louis vuitton or have you purchased from this store. Then they will ask you what you are looking for then they will direct you into that place. Then they will show you all the bags in different prints and ten once you select one they will tell you and causions and protective things so you don't ruin your bag! Also they keep there more expensive things in the back or up higher. They will let you bring you children but they keep a close eye on them !!!!!!! 

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