Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Vintage Louis Vuitton

When you have a louis vuitton bag for a lon time it becomes worn out and ripped and darker. But it becomes VINTAGE !! Sometimes people pass vintage louis vuitton through out there whole entire family. So you can look back and say hey this bag was made in 1970 and its 2011 so it makes it unique and a nuget of history. Sometimes actors and actresses from the past have their louis vuitton on desplayat a muesum or there family member have them. But some people sell theyre vintage louis vuittons because te price goes up and they want the newer version. Plus a lot of thrift shops havethe or consigment shops have and they have great deals. Also if its real or fake you can still pass through your family ecause it can be passed on from generation to generation.So you can be rememberd as being FABULOUS as you were .

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